Umbrella Competition

2025 Brilliant Brolly Umbrella Decoration Competition

The Duldig Studio is hosting a Brilliant Brolly Umbrella Decoration competition to celebrate the invention of the modern folding umbrella by Slawa Horowitz-Duldig in 1929.

Register for the competition and decorate your umbrella at home then drop your finished umbrella back to the Duldig Studio for judging before 2 February.

Entries  will be displayed and Winners announced at our World Umbrella Day Celebration on February 9th

Participants are invited to donate their umbrella for sale via silent auction.

Decorating Tips and Materials

All proceeds go to the Duldig Studio.  Read more about how your donation is used. 

Enter Now


Primary Students              $50   
Secondary Students         $100
Open/Tertiary Students   $500
Peoples’ Choice                $250  Art Materials  

Prizes will be awarded at World Umbrella Day on Sunday 9 February 2025 at 4pm

Prizes generously sponsored by Clifton Umbrellas

Conditions of Entry

  1. White Clifton umbrellas provided with entry by Duldig Studio must be used.
  2. Fee of $30 adults/ $20 Under18 – includes a white umbrella.
  3. You can decorate your umbrella any way you like, with whatever materials you choose.
  4. Decorated Umbrella’s must be delivered to Duldig Studio before 4PM on Saturday 2nd February 2025.
  5. Judeges’ decisions will be final.  
  6. People’s choice winner based on voting at World Umbrella Day Event on 9th February 2025 between 2-4pm.
  7. Winners of all categories will be announced at 4pm on 9 February 2025.