Written & presented by Eva de Jong-Duldig
Filmed and produced by Dr David Smith
Curation: Stefan Damschke
Winner in the Victorian Community History Awards (2016) for Interpretation
Discover the story of a European refugee family and their lucky escape from Vienna to Melbourne where they rebuilt their lives and created the Duldig Studio.
These four short documentaries tell the extraordinary story of sculptor Karl Duldig (1902 – 1986) and his wife, artist Slawa Duldig nee Horowitz (c.1902 – 1975) who, with their baby daughter Eva, made the difficult journey from Vienna to Australia, via Singapore, during World War Two.
Against All Odds – The remarkable survival of a Viennese treasure (11min 16sec)
Europe Meets Asia – Karl Duldig, a Viennese sculptor in pre-war Singapore (13min 10sec)
Art Behind the Wire – Refugee families interned in Australia during WWII (11min 15sec)
Re-shaping the World – Karl Duldig, a European Modernist in Australia (12min 22 sec)
Cost: $30 plus p&h $15 Australia, $30 overseas
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